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Old August 14, 2015   #7
Join Date: May 2014
Location: illinois
Posts: 281

I'm a long time garlic grower. Here's what works for me.
My dry down area is in the shade outside. I use wire racks held off the ground. These are loosely tarped. After 2-3 weeks when the necks are dry the bulbs can be cleaned of root and dirt. The necks are cut down and bulbs are stored indoors in a cool area to cure.
Late August the bulbs are sorted for seed stock, using the largest cloves. What's left is for market and personal use.

You mentioned some of your deeper planted garlic was slow to emerge in the spring. Assuming it was planted in Sept., sprouted sometime late Oct. and went dormant in Dec. This should pop in late March or early April depending on hard you mulch.

My garlic is planted 4-6 inches deep in loose well drained soil. It is a bit slower to emerge than garlic planted to 2 inches but comes out of dormancy just the same in March. The garlic I grow is a hard neck that stores well for up to 10 months.
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