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Old August 21, 2015   #1
2000sqftyard's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: NJ
Posts: 5
Default 2015: Taste test results so far...

Not scientific or authoritative. Just what came of my first year growing more than a dozen tomato plants...

Bloody Butcher
Me: Like fermented strawberry. Ick. Maybe just overripe, but not a fan.
Husband: Intense flavor! GOOD!

Florida 91
Me: Huge tomato, but with mealy, bland, grocery store flavor.
Husband: Blah. Really do not like.

Me: Ok. Meaty tasting. VERY juicy. A bit salty.
Husband: Fine. (Eats another.) Good!! (Eats another.) Hm. Just okay.

German Johnson
Me: A little too mealy-textured. Perhaps unripe? But juicy. Nice garden tomato flavor. Ok.
Husband: Meh. No flavor.

Me: Really mild, nice red tomato. Not acid. Simple flavor. Watery without being juicy. A little too bland, but ok.
Husband: Fine. Pretty good. Like!!

Me: Hm. Perfect for a big slice on a hamburger. Distinctive, but tastes like ketchup.
Husband: Ok to good. Definitely fine.

Golden Jubilee
Me: Too mealy.
Husband: Meh.

Perfect Flame
Me: Eh. Tangy. Ok.
Husband: Ok, or a little more than ok. Better than many.

San Marzano
Me: Tastes like sauce. Mealy, with sweetness to it.
Husband: Ok. Eh.

Pink Girl
Me: Very pretty, uniformly pink tomato. Meaty. Sweet. Slight off flavor, something musty or skunky, but not terribly offensive.
Husband: Ok. (Tries again.) But not so good.

Mountain Spring
Me: (Husband ate before I could sample.)
Husband: Ok.

Me: Mealy, just ok. Acid tomato flavor, so not my favorite.
Husband: Crunchy. Possibly unripe, but mostly a proper tomato.

Mystery gold heart shaped tomato
Me: Sweet and tangy. Mealy, so not a standout. Ok.
Husband: VERY FOUL.

Cherokee Purple
Me: Very good! Thin skinned, soft, juicy, excellent texture. Taste has a bit of acid but is also savory. Tangy and woodsy. Vegetal and complex. Tastes like fall.
Husband: Ok. I don't love it. Maybe it's ok-to-good, but not amazing.

Bush Goliath
Me: Epitome of backyard typical tomato flavor. Fine, but boring. Sweet.
Husband: Ok. Good.

Me: Wow! My favorite tomato so far this year! Beautiful fruit. Mottled, watercolor-esque yellow-peach-red both inside and out. Uniformly juicy flesh without gel or seeds to speak of. Could be softer, but that's ok. Mild-sweet fruit flavor like a cantaloupe. And so pretty! But it doesn't look like the tigerella on the plant tag...
Husband: Fine. But I REALLY don't think it's special or good. It is like a plum.

Me: Pretty, tangy, zingy, fruity. Like a yellow plum. Nice. Flesh a bit tough, though. (And flavor inconsistent across the plant.)
Husband: Ok. Not the right flavor profile. Average.

Me: Tart and fruity, meaty but juicy. Ok. Pretty and different. Deep red. Thinner skinned.
Husband: Ok to good.

Lemon Boy
Me: One of the first big ones this year. Like! Smoky and juicy and fruity. Good texture. (Some later ones were more bland and mealy.)
Husband: Ok to good.

Golden Boy
Me: Sweet, pretty good.
Husband: Ok.

Me: Decent. Grown in terrible soil, but healthy.
Husband: Liked. Ok. Almost good.

Mystery big red globe
Me: Tomato-y. Good texture.
Husband: Good enough.

Red Grape
Me: Firm, tough, nothing special.
Husband: NO.

Me: Ok, but too acidic.
Husband: Good! (But I was hungry!)

Indigo Rose
Me: Sweet, soft and anise-flavored. Unusual, pretty and juicy. Did not share.

Me: Firm, basic elongated tomato. Boring.
Husband: Better than some.

Mighty Sweet
Me: Sweet, too firm, too tomato-y, but good for a red cherry.
Husband: Very good!

Sweet Cluster
Me: Good, but too tangy.
Husband: Ok. Good.

Black Cherry
Me: Tangy, complex, cocoa powder flavor. Very good. Too bad the other plant died.
Husband: More than fine!

Mystery Tiger (maybe pink bumble bee)
Me: Citrus-y, soft, sweet, juicy, delicious and beautiful. Love.
Husband: Fine.

Pink heart-shaped mystery cherry
Me: Tangy with a bite, flavorful. Ok, to good, and pretty fruit.
Husband: Tangy, interesting . Ok.

Mystery pink pointed little pear
E: Vegetal and mild. Mostly nothing special, but very good when all the way ripe.
Husband: Boring.

Early Girl
Me: Not memorable.
Husband: Good red tomato. Proper.

New Girl
Me: Soft, juicy, good flavor. But a bit boring.
Husband: Liked. Almost good. (Next tomato): Good.

Indigo Fireball
Me: Very striking too look at. Tart.
Husband: Ok.

Black Prince
Me: Excellent! Savory, mild, complex soft, juicy.
Husband: Noticeably different. I like that.

Red Pear
Me: No good.
Husband: Bad.

Mystery peach cherry
Me: Good! Interesting color. Milder and more fruity than sungold.
Husband: Good!

Indigo Blue Beauty
Me: Really mild flavor in a good way. A bit sweet, a bit fruity. Moderately juicy. And SO PRETTY!! Liked. Healthy plant. Grow again.
Husband: Fine.

Yellow Brandywine
Me: Very classic tomato flavor. Too much and too strong for me, though.
Husband: Ok.

Striped German
Me: Looks pretty. Good texture. Ordinary garden tomato flavor, not my favorite.
Husband: Bad texture. Good flavor.

Carolina Gold
Me: Too tomato-y. Surprisingly tiny. Sick plant.
Husband: Meh.

Better Boy
Me: Vegetal and mild. Good enough.
Husband. Ok.

Iron Lady
Me: Something gnawed on this, so picked early. Mild and mealy. Bad-ish.
Husband: Ok.

Amish Paste
Me: Tastes like tomato sauce and pasta in a good way. No seeds to speak of. Very mild flavor.
Husband: Ok.

Mystery large red pear
Me: Ok. Blah.
Husband: Good!

Black Truffle
Me: Juicy, soft, unusual. Herbal flavor, mild, good.
Husband: Meh. (Eats more.) Some are okay to good.

Green Zebra
Me: Tangy, soft, juicy, fruity. But not as good as the mystery GWR in the raised bed from last year.
Husband: Good for a green one.

Green Tiger
Me: Good. Citrusy, maybe?
Husband: Fine.

Lucky Tiger
Me: Hard to tell when ripe, and hard to tell apart from green tiger for taste testing. I think it has more bite.
Husband: fine.

Mystery yellow non-pear shaped "pear"
Me: Very productive. Good flavor, but tough flesh.
Husband: Ok. Prefer sungold.

Me: More than fine. Good and sweet, but too tangy in quantity. A few plants is enough.
Husband: Very tasty. MY FAVORITE. LOVE!!!! Grow more!

Italian Ice
Me: Mild to bland. Neither acid nor sweet. Super productive and healthy plant, but not exciting.
Husband: Ok.

Purple Bumble Bee
Me: Acidic. Ok texture, but some a very tough. Prettier to look at than eat.
Husband: Fine.

Mystery large red cherry
Me: Juicy. Mild to bland. A hint of honey to it.
Husband: Meh.

Mystery small red cherry
Me: Acidic and tough. Not for me.
Husband: Eh.

Supersweet 100
Me: Eh. Boring. Sweet, for sure.
Husband: VERY GOOD.

Zebra Cherry
Me: BAD. Seedy, salty, too tough to chew. Awful.
Husband: BAD.

Me: Good, mild, fine.
Husband: (Still waiting on plant to produce a second tomato.)

Yellow Taxi
Me: (Still waiting on plant to produce more tomatoes.)
Husband: Ok.

Me: Sweet and savory mild flavor. Ok to good. Deep red. Juicy.
Husband. Good, good.

Me. Sweet and juicy.
Husband: A proper tomato. Good!

Me: Sweet, soft, juicy. Texture sometimes mealy, but usually good.
Husband: Ok. Juicier than some. Juicy is good. Otherwise boring.

Me: Pretty pink with yellow shoulders. Sweet. Soft texture, complex flavor. Excellent!
Husband: A proper tomato. Good.

Indigo Ruby
Me: Beautiful. Salty, smoky, savory flavor. Juicy, but too firm.
Husband: Ok.

Yellow Pear
Me: Not the right kind of yellow pear.
Husband: No. No flavor.

Matt's Wild Cherry (volunteer)
Me: Flavorful, but hard to pick.
Husband. Good taste. Intense. Too small to eat. Why are they are split open?

Mystery small red globe
Me: VERY juicy. Tomato-y. Ok to eh.
Husband: Ok.

Orange Zinger
Me: Sweet-ish, very firm. Just ok. Would not grow again.
Husband: Ok.

Sweet Olive
Me: Mild, savory flavor. Very firm. Very early, which is nice, but not a fan.
Husband: Good!

Me: Sauce only. Why do we have so many plants of this kind?
Husband: Sauce only.

Sweet Orange Cherry
Me: Good and sweet.
Husband: VERY GOOD!! Like sungold!

Speckled Roman
Me: Mealy with some juice. Mild flavor. Sauce only. But so GORGEOUS! Huge! Probably the most impressive looking tomato I grew.
Husband: Mushy. Sauce only.

Sweetheart of the Patio
Me: Sweet and tangy, but tiny tomato and very sickly plant.
Husband: Did not taste.

Jolly Elf
Me: Sweet. Too crunchy.
Husband: Ok.
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