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Old August 28, 2015   #8
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: virginia
Posts: 735

Originally Posted by lillivewire87 View Post
I have been pretty lucky this year and in years previous that I really haven't had to deal with disease beyond some BER... I just returned from a week of vacation and one of my plants (Green Zebra) has an issue...I am leaning towards Timber Rot or maybe a Canker of some kind, but I am just not sure. I do not have pictures right now. Will try to take some when I get home from work tonight.

*Hollow stems on leaves
*Dark Brown line at leaf "joints" where they meet the main stem
*Main stem appears to have some raised bumps that are a lighter greeny/white color

(Note: Prior to leaving for vacation the plant itself appeared ok, but several unripe fruits appeared to have some BER...I removed those and gave it a dose of liquid kelp and liquid mineral fert before I left)

I didn't have time when I got home last night to do more than look at the stems...My other plants appear to be ok. We do have a ton of wildfires in the area right now that have made a very smoke infested atmosphere right now. Our air quality is currently rated as "Unhealthy"..don't know if that might have had something to do with it.

All my plants are in containers and my MIL watered for me while away....with instructions to water until she could see water coming out the bottom and then stop. I don't see any wilt I don't think it is a watering issue, but you never know.

Any thoughts on what it might be?
If it is what I think it is...or even if it is something else....any chance of my fruit being ok, or should I just pull the plant?

Oregon zone 8b

Just saw this but I think it is Bacterial Stem Rot.You should cut the affected stems off and as long as it doesn't get in the main stem you should be ok.I had it this year for the first time, caused by a lot of rain and funky weather I think.I saved 2 plants and lost 1.If it's not Stem Rot then the only other thing it could be is Canker.I wouldn't pull the plant
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