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Old August 31, 2015   #5
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Originally Posted by Starlight View Post
Great pic there Worth! Great for helping to teach new gardeners for sure. Ah, so I had part of it right, but just in reverse. That is good to know. I been really worried about my seeds since I heard that. Maybe I misuderstood them when they was telling me. I had packaged up the little orange ones to send to a friend. I'll put a note in with those seeds that they may have been crossed by my other tomatoes.

They were yummy for sure and produced like crazy. Was like eating fresh candy.

Ok, Carolyn... First I got the name wrong. Sorry about that. Guess I got Lemon on the brain today as I was in the seed of it. Here is the tomato I am talking about and I found the thread.

For the intermingled part... Usually I try and group all the same named plants together in a row or same square area. They started out that way, but when I moved plants under the shade screen from the heat and humidty here and to help keep them from getting diseased, I started stringing them all up.

Since it was sweat city I just started grabbing the tallest and fruiting plants first and they all got out of order , so instead of all the same named plants being together, they just all got intermingled with other ones.

Good info. Laughing my head over your " stigma positions with pimps" Haven't heard that description before.

Maybe I am wrong. I thought what you see in the link was currants. Seemed it fit the description of them. Them tiny , pea sized fruits never did get any bigger and they turned a final orange color. I saved a bunch of seed and gobbled all the rest.

I will grow it next year as I sure enjoyed the heck out of it.
OK, I read your link and you have no idea what you have b'c you posted this:

(Carolyn... I got my seeds in a swap. The person who gave them to me had gotten them as a SASE from . On the package from Wintersown it says "Pretty lemon-yellow cherry tomato, great for salads or snacking. Delicious. IND 72 DTM")

And you don't know if those were original seeds sent to Trudi or if the person who gave them to you grew out some plants and saved seed.

And since most of the seeds sent to Trudi have no info about seed purity she makes it very clear that she cannot say that everything folks get from her are correct for the variety and in this case no variety name was given.

So this doesn't leave you in a very strong position, but if you like them, then save seed and grow them evermore.

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