Thread: Tomato Juice
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Old September 3, 2015   #57
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: SE PA
Posts: 964

I love tomatoes but I don't know that I love straight juice. I am curious what the original recipe on this thread was back in 06 or whatever it was, but the recipe is missing.

My family and friends really loved the recipe I found last year on a site called little house living. It is a tomato onion celery garlic basil soup that doubles as a cold drink. Great recipe. Only problem is, we don't grow onion or celery. It needs pressure canning due to the added vegetables but otherwise the same, heat tomatoes, add other ingredients, mill/strain, reheat, and pressure can. I upped the recipe to 8 quarts so it makes 7 qt for pantry and one for the fridge. Just had a simple dinner of soup and sourdough bread cheese sandwiches tonight using the extra quart from last batch.
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