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Old September 7, 2015   #53
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: virginia
Posts: 734

Sue you typed;"One more question. I read in another thread where someone said 3-4 days is the max for fermenting seeds. I didn' t know that and went a week. Will I have poorer germination because of that? Is that also something people disagree a bit on, or is it a rule of thumb everyone pretty much follows?"

Here is an excellent research report done in Africa detailing why you should keep your fermentation as short as possible.I rarely go into the 4th day

You typed, "There also seems to be a lack of consensus on the bleach rinse. No good data that it helps, but it might increase germination? I did do it for this batch but not sure about the next. Is there any reason NOT to do it? Could it hurt?"

Fermentation extraction is not a reliable method to remove bacterial pathogens, so yes bleach treatment does help if you have any of those.And yes there is data to support this.Government data, University data and many other research documents.The only reason not to do it would if you didn't do it right or planned to use it on old seeds. It is important to use the Surfactant.I am not sure if you used that or not.I read about it in a 65 page research paper that seemed like a book.

Anyway, here is a fact sheet co written by Sally Miller, who happens to be one of the worlds leading plant pathologists.If she signed her name to it you can believe it.

Last edited by seaeagle; September 7, 2015 at 02:16 PM.
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