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Old October 22, 2015   #14
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Richmond, TX
Posts: 327

Originally Posted by Barb_FL View Post
When it is brutally hot, what are your nightly lows?

I've tried it; even with 'HEAT' Variety tomatoes and even though it rarely gets over 90 during the day, it stays above 75 at night.

I did best with Porter tomatoes, grown in an Earthbox with casters. In 2014, I rolled the EB out in the AM for sun and back under the porch for shade around 1PM. I did this with 4 EB's and early August was the last tomato I ate. I have to think the fruit set much earlier.

This year, I tried with the 'Heat' Varieties. I won't bother trying again.
I was able to grow peppers all summer. I didn't try this year, but in the past was able to grow eggplant too.

This pic was taken in 2014. This summer I broke my wrist, so other than growing peppers, didn't even put up the shade cloth.
Sounds plumb pleasant there in the summer time...

We get this.... 78 or so at night, 95-105 during the day. Oh, and the humidity is around 65% or more.

So yes, it's a challenge. I have heard the Porters can hang pretty good, might try time heat tolerant stuff. I am putting down plastic mulch, with grow bags (7 gallon) on top of that. Going to put a fan at one end of the hoop, the cloth over the hoop, and see what happens. I do have a drip line that is hooked to a fertilizer tank, so watering is not an issue.

Peppers and eggplant do great in the heat, if you like them the Florida High Bush eggplant is a great grower, sure it would do well there. Purple hull peas thrive in the heat, and okra will cover you up.

Thanks for the help!
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