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Old October 26, 2015   #4
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I am going to try so bare with me.
First you need the right Bamboo and it need to be big bamboo.

Now go out in your preferred tee pee area and drive a stake in the ground.
Depending on what size Tee Pee you want will depend on how you do the next step.
Get a string and tie it to the stake with a loos loop so it can move or turn on the stake.
Now decide on what size (diameter) you want the base to be and dived that by 1/2.
This is what is called the radius.
Walk around in a circle using the tight string as a guide and drive a stake in the ground at 90 degree angles to each other so you have 4 equal points.
Now do the same thing again between the existing points so you have 8 equal points.
you can keep doing this and you will have 16 points.
Now you can remove the stake in the middle.
Dig a hole and put in a tall post-pipe or something.
This post has to be around 10 feet.
Lets say you have a ten foot circle you will need a fifteen foot pole.
You will want to put the pole/pipe in the ground about two feet and make sure it is level.
Now get an 8 to ten foot ladder and go to the top of the pole or at least close to it.
Tie string/bailing twine to the pole and run it down to each point you have made on the ground and tie it to the stakes.
You can fool with the string and make the pole as straight and level as can be.
You now have a frame that you can use to put up your bamboo.
You can put holes in the groung at the correct angle to support the bottum of the bamboo if you want.
I would use short lengths of pipe driven in the ground at the correct angle to do it.
The string will give you the correct angle.
Now start placing your bamboo in the pipe or holes.
At the top you will want to do what they call lashing and this is where you might need some help but there are ways around it like the reason you put the string up.
At each string at the top just tie the bamboo to the string.
Lay the bamboo in order one at a time 1 through 4, 8 or it looks like what the bottom of a woven basket looks like.
Each one overlapping the other.
When you are through you will have a V.
get your twine and tie a knot around it at the intersection of the V.
but instead of going around once go around twice with the knot.
This will keep the knot from slipping.
When you loop the string around its self do it twice first and then once and cinch it tight.
Now you can start putting clove hitches around the bamboo.

Do several of them and the poles wont go anywhere.

If your base is 10 feet and the length of your poles are 10 feet you will only need to go up 8.7 feet in the center to have all angles to be 60 degrees.
Here is a nifty place to get an idea of what you need and what you need to do.
You can also use wire instead of string.


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