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Old November 1, 2015   #30
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It's hard to steer the ship in a different direction, but not impossible.

We all fall apart sooner or later, but from what I've seen, good food down your gullet helps make it more of a precipitous decline, and not the slow, insidious, chronic, piece-by-piece decline that processed foods inflict. Eating poorly and feeling poorly is a connection most miss, happy you've arrived at it.

Since it seems you have aversions to certain foods, have you considered sitting down with a nutritionist so she/he can help you figure out how to structure and better manage your food intake in the face of all your commitments. They have some good suggestions.

And I know this might sound like a Ward Cleaver-era suggestion, but have you considered a cooking class? You might meet some good people and can learn new skills. It's never too late.
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