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Old November 1, 2015   #33
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Jupiter, FL (10b)
Posts: 97
Default (late) Update - 6 weeks after plant out

Took a few photos on Oct. 18. Just now getting around to sharing them - I was traveling for most of October. I have more photos that I took this weekend that are more interesting (need some advice on some pest and possible disease issues), but I figured I might as well share these since I bothered to take them. Fun to document the progress.

Iditarod Red is trucking along. Foliage looks a little more "normal" - less curled down compared to a few weeks prior. Whatever was affecting the foliage, the plant seems to be outgrowing it. Does anyone have any thoughts on that? The only ideas I've heard so far are from Pecker, who thinks there may be too much moisture. I might try to reduce hydrophilicity of my growth media a hair next year... maybe. I think everyone else seems happy so if that really is the issue, it could be an Iditarod Red thing.


Wherokowhai looking good. Great looking foliage.


Same for Dwarf Emerald Giant


Tasmanian Chocolate is very dense!


Dwarf Kelly Green is strong and stout, with some nice looking vines, good foliage, nice blossoms forming.


Extreme Bush looks a little alarming. MORE ON THAT IN THE NEXT UPDATE. The bottom sets of leaves are curling badly, and the newer leaves seem to be only minimally affected, if at all. This one is worrying me. To add insult to injury, an "incident" led to one of Extreme Bush's vines being snapped off. Quite unfortunate.


Perth Pride looking good.


Rosella Purple is still one of my favorite plants. Vigorous, lots of blossoms forming.



Up to this point fruit set has been so-so, as night time temps are still on the high side. I'm a little surprised I've gotten this much! Will probably delay planting seeds a couple of a weeks next year. But it is worth noting that Extreme Bush seems to be setting fruit quite well despite the heat.

Bonus picture of my two helpers:


Last edited by kunosoura; November 1, 2015 at 06:15 PM. Reason: added comment on Extreme Bush fruit set, comment about Extreme Bush vine
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