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Old November 3, 2015   #67
clkeiper's Avatar
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Quick and easy chicken or fish.... I use chicken tenderloins or breasts cut in half for the chicken or tilapia filets for the fish.. Use whatever you like, though.

1/2 cup potato flakes
1/2 cup of parmesan cheese grated or ground ( I just buy the stuff in the bottle with the shaker lid)
salt and pepper to taste
garlic powder to taste.
Mix together and dredge your meat in it or sprinkle it on so you aren't contaminating the mix and use only what you need and store the rest in the freezer/fridge.
drizzle with melted coconut oil (or butter if that is what you have)
Bake at 350* until done. the less you are baking the less time it will take. I usually do enough for 6 people and I bake it about 30 minutes or until it is done which really depends on the size of each piece ( baking on parchment paper is the easiest).
carolyn k
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