Thread: venison burger
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Old December 22, 2015   #38
Langley Ranch
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Carolyn, thanks! I haven't canned any deer yet this year either. I're way ahead of me, 'cause you have hamburger already!!

We do it this way... We let the deer hang in the cooler for at least five days, then my husband skins, quarters and removes the backstraps and tenders. I take the quarters and neck and turn them into three piles of meat to be divided and packaged for the freezer. They are: roasts, to be hamburger and to be dog food. When I'm ready to make hamburger, I pull out all the packages of to be hamburger from all the deer and have at it. Dog food has come out as needed in the past as a kibble topper but this year I hope to make it up with brown rice and vegetables and freeze into portions. Sometimes after I've ground up all the hamburger I'll can meatballs that day, or start a big batch of chili to can, but not usually. Mostly I freeze all the hamburger packages up and then just do the canning on a separate day. Similarly, when I want to can cutlets, etc, I just thaw out some roasts partially and then cut them up however needed. Like you said, you've got to have enough hours in the day to go through all that. I've found it's easier for me to do it all in those stages.

I always feel a little nervous having it all in the freezer in case we have a power loss or the freezer tanks, etc. And i is awesome to have it in cans. Lasts practically forever! Good job on getting all that poultry done! I hope I can catch a turkey sale after the holidays and can is so great to have for sandwiches, soups, casseroles, etc. Gosh, now I'm in the mood to can...

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