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Old January 13, 2016   #15
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: MA/NH Border
Posts: 4,917

You can also check Craigslist for those large barrels with the screw on lids. I have two that I think we're about $30 a piece. My husband drilled a bunch of holes in them and the one I'm working on sits on top of a couple of cinder block to allow for air passage and drainage if things get too soupy.

It is fed primarily kitchen scraps (no citrus, meat, or fats) and a lot of coffee grounds. It lives right outside our back door and thankfully gives off almost no stink. My husband had moved it in front of the exhaust vent for the dryer thinking the heat would help speed up the process, but I decided I didn't want my compost smelling like dryer sheets and it get plenty hot on its own!

Every now and then I drop it down on it's side and roll it around on the driveway. When it's full, I roll it across the yard to my garden where it sits until I can empty it and the second barrel takes it's place.
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