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Old January 29, 2016   #9
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Originally Posted by Cole_Robbie View Post
I don't know what kind of pests you have there, but it takes a lot of spraying to get worm-free corn ears. The tassels are supposed to be sprayed with seven regularly. You can't see the worms until you open the ears.

I even tried some GMO corn two years ago that had the BT gene, but I still had just as many worms. Later the seed company said that apparently what they sold me only works on European worms, not American. whoops. But they said if I just bought another $250 10-lb bag of the very newest stuff, then THAT would work...we promise. That's a lot of money to pay just so the raccoons have non-wormy corn to eat.
Funny. "We promise this is the one that works"

I was planning on using Deltamethrin, Thuricide, and some Neem Oil. That should cover most intruders. From what I see on the roadsides, lots of small plots of corn seem to do well around here, even in the middle of winter.

The last two years I planted in less than ideal spots, and left it in the hands of my pops as I concentrated on the tomatoes. This time I'm taking over and making sure they put something out that's edible. To that end I bought some seeds that play well together (se).

I'm getting an itchy trigger finger here, that Met-52 stuff is calling to me. If I get an infestation of something I may have to resort to the nukular option, just like C17H21NO4-head W 43 used to say it.

Last edited by Gerardo; January 29, 2016 at 02:21 PM.
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