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Old January 29, 2016   #20
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Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
If you are allowed kill every one you see and hang his carcass up so the others can see it.

Wise words. Folks are keen to kill them but the chance is another matter. Wildlife officials properly are the ones with the authority, some have the means and allowed to do it, others have means but not in an area you can shoot a firearm. And some don't have the means either.

Not that long ago some feller from the outports was brought up on charges for shooting a bear inside his home.
Polar bears often make it to the island on ice floes, then they are spotted around communities especially the north. The wildlife officers go in, tranq em, they give em free dental work while they're passed out in dreamland, and ship em back home in their sleep. Then they wake up and tell the others how they got the magic teeth.
It's a very different scene here. Not much being shot without a license to do it.
I wouldn't get away with shooting squirrels either.
But I have foxes as well, they might catch a few.
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