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Old January 29, 2016   #6
clkingtx's Avatar
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Location: Wichita Falls Texas
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Well, you can see it there in person, I really can't. I do understand what you are saying though. I used to have some satsumas that I was wondering the same thing. I found out for sure when the top was frozen back, I think, and the rootstock started growing, then it was unmistakable. The leaves were vastly different than the scion's leaves had been. If I were you, and wasn't positive, I would wait for it to fruit, or watch closely for irregular growth(one branch growing WAY faster than the others), or leaves that are very different from the others. It could very well be that when the tree was grafted, the scion branched out immediately. That is kind of what it looks like, since the bottom line is visible, and isn't a collar to a branch, if you know what I mean. To have a line on the trunk/branch union is normal, I believe. If there is one that is not a union between the branch and trunk, it is likely the graft line.

Just my opinion, but hope it is what you expect it to be, I know citrus plants can be pretty pricey, and it would really stink to pay so much for something that isn't what you expect.

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