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Old February 2, 2006   #15
feraltomatoes's Avatar
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I will try my best here. I do not take notes very well but do spend endless time in my garden so will go off best memories. I will assure you that all of the varieties I sent Rienhart are genetically different then anything els out there. They all started from natural crosses or mutations from fields of common heirlooms. All original seeds where purchased from the usual commercial sources TT, TGS and Lockhart Seed in Stockton Ca. I think I have walked past over a million individual plants over the years so I have some unique opportunities.
Originally I slapped some names on some(sorry Carolyn)
and decided to send Rienhart much of my favorites because I thought these where valuble to the tomato world and was not sure(typical this time of year) if I was going to play farmer.

Red Velvet- Originally from Garden Peach. One garden peach went red, all seeds from this where just like garden peach but sweeter and red, showed up in the catalog the next year so someone els had the same thing. A year later a large red fuzzy tomato showed up.
Flavor is o.k.
Beauty King- One of my favorites. Harvest is not huge, fairly late, beautiful and tasty for me and all that have commented. Large meaty tipe. Yellow with green stripes turning to red as ripens.

Beauty Queen- Small version of B-King. Still getting large and small fruit. Very attractive, best flavor for me is before full color up. Yellow red striped

Yellow Zebra- Its the name that it was called by customers at farmers market, after sending to Rienhart and learning alot at GW I realized it needed to be seperated from others. I have since called it Yellow Boar
Looks like a yellow version of Green Zebra. Yellow with litghter yellow stripes.

Red Boar- Looks like a red version of Green Zebra. Very good all around. Red striped.

Blonde Zebra- O.k. so I changed it to Blonde Boar. Looks like a white version of GZ>. About half where white half where yellow and even a few reds from grow-out this year. This tomato puts hope in white tomatoes with flavor. I force fed it to people who insisted they did not like white tomatoes, love to see those eye browse jump like that. Pale pale yellow with stripes.

Berkeley Tie Dye- This one is here to stay. I think green fleshed tomatoes have one of the best flavors. Large, three colored stripes, red yellow green, meaty green flesh with red blush.

Furry Yellow Hog- Missed my grow out in 2005. Looks like a GZ but its two toned yellow stipes with fuzz. Had almost a honey flavor late in the season.

Freckled Child- ping pong size with spots and specks. Did not grow last year. Rienhard was sent seeds from original find, I think he said he had two that did and two that did not, but really liked them.

Furry Red Boar- looks like a GZ but its red and fuzzy. Fairly storng flavor. Two toned red stripes.

Big Yellow Zebra- was a discription, named it Porkchop. Medium large flattened beefsteak yelloow with green stripes that riped to two toned yellow stripes. Very good flavor, more on the sweet side.

Craig, I sent you 7 varieties that should be there any day, 5 are from above that should be tried, also sent Large Barred Boar that looks like a striped Cherokee and a matte skin Cherokee Purple that has alot of potential, it showed up in my CP year before last, grew about 20 plants this year and I think it was 100%. Can skin mutate to matte finish?
I have pics of all of these varieties. Gotta go for now.
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