Thread: Soil ?
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Old February 25, 2016   #36
My Foot Smells
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Originally Posted by TheUrbanFarmer View Post
I'll reassert that cottonseed meal IS NOT ideal if you are attempting an organic garden. It has restricted usage based on NOP guidelines and many state guidelines suggest you use other sources simply because of remaining pesticide residues. Many other states do not even allow its usage as a possible organic amendment for the same reason. Not to mention that much of cotton grown any more is genetically modified, which prevents it's usage as an organic amendment as well.

Cottonseed meal/cake is nothing more than a waste byproduct of the cottonseed oil industry. The oil is chemically extracted, generally with hexane. That residue also remains, although it is generally considered negligible based on how it interacts with the environment post processing.

Truth is, the only people saying emphatically there is no pesticide residue left in the seed meal, is the cotton industry.

It has nothing to do with "ethical sourcing" concerns. It has everything to do with the factual reality of the product.

Regardless, to each their own. I'm not attempting to change opinions, merely attempting to provide factual information.
I didn't realize there was a large debate about this, but learning. Seems rather ludicrous to argue; put some under the scope or do some testing. The public would like to know. Truth is, the waste ends up somewhere on this tiny planet and weaves it way into our daily existence at some point.

I'm not familiar with NOP or state guidelines regarding its use. In any event, it will be used very sparingly; and also used with my azaleas and camillias (which I read csm was a great amendment for both species).
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