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Old March 2, 2016   #13
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Originally Posted by TexasTycoon View Post
Do I have to use a pump sprayer or would a spray bottle work fine? I have such a small area I don't even own a pump sprayer. I'm confused about mixing it with water, too. If it's ineffective once wet, wouldn't mixing it with water be ineffective as well? I saw a lady on YouTube spray the leaves with water and then use a duster to dust the leaves with DE, but it seemed messy to me.

I do use Bt in the form of mosquito dunks in my watering cans, that really helped me with fungus gnats last year but I can't remember if the aphids came before or after I started using it. I do remember insecticidal soap did nothing against those aphids once they took hold of my pepper plants. That's why I'm hoping using the DE before I even see anything will help keep them away altogether.
I started experimenting with DE as an insecticide last year and was amazed at how effective it was. However it is a bit of trouble to apply in a way that makes it so effective. I found that mixing it with very soapy water and a little Permethrin, then mixing it well and straining it into a pump sprayer and applying it to every part of the plant was the most effective way to use it. I used 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of food grade DE to the gallon of water. That seems like a lot but it mixes well and after straining it is a high enough concentration that it leaves a fine dusting of DE on the plants when it dries. It seems to work against all insects including beneficial ones so I waited to start using it until after most of my ladybugs had moved on. It will wash off with a good rainfall so it has to be reapplied but after I started using this combo I had no further problems with insects the rest of the season. I plan to use this same technique again this year but will wait til the beneficials leave my garden which usually happens a few weeks after the hot weather arrives. You could use a garden duster to apply it but I would wear a mask.

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