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Old March 2, 2016   #12
heirloomtomaguy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Gerardo View Post
Great you brought up the yellow traps, I forgot to mention those. I made some with mice glue traps and solo yellow cups, it's been working well.

Any word on the reflective mulch? They always say do not use in southern states, I bet it could help you guys up north. I like the fact that you deny them their favorite hiding spots.

No more Mr. Nice Guy, I'm going the Met52 route. Whiteflies and aphids are a constant threat down here, and I'm done dancing with them. Time for parasitization and death by fungus. Die vermin!
Gerardo i grow through white on black plastic mulch and i dont see any aphids until the plants get so huge they cover the plastic mulch. The white works the same way as reflective but less blinding and better in our climate. It has been one of my most effective controls of aphids for the last couple years. Plus the white mulch blocks weeds and helps keep the roots cooler in the summer months. Win win win if you ask me
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
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