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Old March 5, 2016   #12
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According to the CDC there are only 110 cases in the United States annually and only 25% of those are from food.

Probably one reason that these numbers are low is because not so many people do home canning any more. You might see a different number if, rather than looking at 110 cases from the entire population of the US, you calculated the number of cases based on how many people can their own food. I'll bet that would be a much higher percentage.

This is not a lot of cases or a big risk but it's so easy to follow proper canning directions so why take a risk?

Just follow the proper canning instructions and don't do things differently just "because Grandma did it that way and they didn't die".

Last edited by brownrexx; March 5, 2016 at 10:42 AM.
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