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Old March 6, 2016   #47
Gerardo's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: San Diego-Tijuana
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Originally Posted by Cole_Robbie View Post
Try to avoid that Tijuana frostbite.

I'm going to start with a menu of one tomato of each color, just to try to keep it simple to restaurant customers. For example, it's a big step to introduce someone to the concept of a GWR tomato; I don't want to complicate that by elaborating into the fact that there is more than one green when ripe variety.
It could get tricky fast trying to explain GWR. I'm gonna tell them they're either getting small, medium, or large slicers in "red" (I won't even attempt to define pink vs red, epidermis vs flesh), with lots of gel or a little gel, whether it has a core or not, how well it keeps, and suggested uses. Same with the other colors.

A cousin of mine on my mom's side is a big foodie, and she's on very friendly terms with nearly every chef in town. And on my dad's side there are quite a few people in the culinary world too, so even though large extended families are double-edged swords, in this case the xiphos is cutting away from me.

It's just a matter of production now. Many of those are your seeds, thank you brother. Sweet Scarlet is bulking up even more.
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