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Old March 11, 2016   #1790
TexasTycoon's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
My old dog I had Boo Boo would if he didn't know you.
I cannot tell you how many people have tried to give him treats and he would turn his nose up at them.
If he saw me eat something he would eat it.
Buttercup's the same way, she won't even take treats from the vet we've been going to for years. But she's a little different with strangers. When she was 6 months old, she got out of our back yard and was lost for 2 weeks before we got her back from Animal Control, during which time I'm assuming she got chased by lots of strangers trying to grab her because we had signs everywhere. Ever since then, she hasn't trusted strangers (she's 6 years old now). The only people aside from my husband and I she doesn't shy away from are two of our friends who have known her since before she ran away. She's gotten a little better since living in an apartment and having to walk by all sorts of strange people and dogs to do her business, but she's still shy.
"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." - Audrey Hepburn
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