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Old March 14, 2016   #3
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Thanks Kath,

Well, we did get soil tests when the garden was started, 4 years ago. and even though most people lime their plots, we have high alk. soil so if we do adjust the pH at all it is the other way. 7.2 to 7.8 were the pH rates 4 years ago. We have added a lot of organic matter over the years and have just grown in what we have. It is so hard to really get much change to lower the pH. To make it more interesting we are on a military installation so on Federal land so every bag of fertilizer needs to be saved in case some might want to use it in a bad way.

We do try to go organic as much as possible, so compost is what we do as well as the usual non organic fertilizers. If it were up to me we wouldn't use anything but organic products. But our funding sources have already purchased non organics that we have to use up.

I was just wondering if anyone here just uses a general broadcasting method before planting and if so, how far in advance of planting out or starting seed.

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