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Old March 24, 2016   #5
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A variety of early peas, a few varieties, will be ready to pick at different times. A small 3x3 ft bed with a teepee trellis is easy to grow. Pole beans can go in the same bed when the weather warms and come up as the peas die off.

Patty pan squash and eight ball squash or any variety can be picked small.

I grow the little lemon cucumbers and trying another small gherkin type this year. The lemon cakes have few seeds and thin skins and make great crisp fridge pickles.

A mesculin salad mix planted thick, just a 6in x 2ft row, then another row every two weeks will keep you in salad all summer. The first row can be cut with scissors and will grow back a few times. Just cut what you need. Just a few swiss chard plants are easy to grow and you can pick the small leaves to add to your salads.

I plant a variety of carrots thicker than usual and get 15-20 lbs of 4-6 inch carrot babies that store in the fridge through the holidays.

Lots of winter squash varieties are small and also store well for winter eating....
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