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Old March 29, 2016   #24
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Default the weather?

Originally Posted by oakley View Post
In Newfoundland.
(i'm afraid to ask) Looks like the storm that just passed us in NY is heading your way...

We will have to hop the PortAuxBasques ferry and i have some wiggle room so we don't get stuck on it. (and why we get a cabin). We were there during storm Igor.

It does look like the weather will soften up here by next Tuesday and all looks good up through Maine and NovaScotia.

Like the spoof tourism video.">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
Couldn't get the video to work. Will try again later.
As for the weather it's above zero here which is wonderful to see for a change.
But it was gusting 96 kph this afternoon, which is a bit above the casual 70 I expected. Wouldn't want to be out in an open boat. Just caught the weather on NTV, it's snowing out west and central. And will snow a few cm here overnight, but there's a big warmup expected later the week... and wet and windy though. High of 10 C on Saturday, says Environment Canada.
Are you travelling next week then?
I like to look at this Norwegian site for a longer extended forecast: hate to say it but they're expecting snow all across the island on Wednesday next week - maybe 8 cm here but more and colder on the west coast so it will be nasty in PortauxBasques! And on the water no doubt.
Every forecast is subject to change without notice, of course.
But March has been nasty, except for coming in like a lamb. This week is warmer but all wind and rain. Dread the Wreckhouse area coming from the ferry. It's like Igor twice a week there all the time. I'm not happy to see more colder weather in April.
One good thing, there's very little snow down this winter, so whatever comes, it shouldn't linger, not here anyway. Bonavista may be a different story. I noticed this winter, that the worst of the storm tracks were always over Clarenville and missed us. Chance there are a few snowbanks loitering around there as yet.
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