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Old April 1, 2016   #25
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Location: Sterling Heights, MI Zone 6a/5b
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I would add we are careful for very good reason. The Great Lakes has over 100 foreign species now. The Spotted Wing Drosophila and the Japanese beetles were brought over in plant material. It's crazy NOT to restrict plant material. I grow figs and every fig cutting sold on Ebay to this country from another country will result with a knock on your door from a government man. Whole fig collections were threatened to be taken because of exposure from the foreign cuttings. In the fig forums you will see warning after warning not to buy figs from other countries on EBay.

Here in Michigan, we sell lot's of blueberries and many cultivars are not allowed in the state till they have been totally tested to rule out any possible harm to the existing crops. I want Darrow, but can't get it here. Sweetheart was finally approved after about 7 years.

Many states still ban black currants, or have restrictions. Here they have to be resistant to white pine rust or they are not allowed. We want to protect our white pines which were almost wiped out about 100 years ago.

Last edited by drew51; April 1, 2016 at 10:16 AM.
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