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Old April 16, 2016   #44
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Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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Cuttings have difficulty photosynthesizing because there are no roots. That is why we keep them out of direct sunlight until they have a root system. The reasons that I want yours under lights is twofold. First, due to the age of your first cuttings. They were 11 days old and needed to make some nutrients to survive, so some light was needed but not too much. The second reason is because it is fast approaching winter there and your plants are shutting down their growth for the season. You are in your shortening day cycle. You need to supply your cuttings with longer day light hours to re-program them into a growth phase. You want them to think that it is Spring and time to grow rather than continue in the Fall pattern of shutting down.

If your plants are struggling with the lights lowered, then you could raise your lights back up or do as you did and reduce the number of bulbs being used. It sounds as if you are getting in tune with your plants needs and are quite observant. This is a good thing! Keep up your good keen eye and try using the stronger lights again in 3 days. You do not want to have gone through all of this and then loose the plants due to lack of light.

I too look much better after a night of sleep. So if your plants are just a little tired after a long day of adjusting and trying to produce some roots, it's OK. They will look better in the morning and will be ready to go to work again. A funny thing is that your plants will also be making most of their growth during the nights while they are sleeping.

At this point I have no comment on the types of bulbs that you are using both of them are fine, but perhaps someone else reading this will have an opinion.

Your Yates Liquid Copper seems to be perfect. Go ahead and start to use it.

Have a good day ~ Patti
~ Patti ~
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