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Old April 22, 2007   #12
Tomatovillian™ Honoree
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 507

Bluelytes, I don't much like the term "racism" - we bandy it about far too much. There is a problem with Carolyn's statement about American Indians: she was not speaking the TRUTH as you call it. Note that I do not blame her for her lack of knowledge about the various American Indian tribes. When Carolyn & I were in school they did not teach such things. (They mostly still don't.) Most of what non-American Indian children learned came from Hollywood.

One of the things that most whites do not realize about those old Hollywood movies is that when they did actually use real "Indians" as actors, they often used Navajo. To this day, one of the greatest sources of amusement on the Navajo reservation is a trip to the movie theater to see one of those old Westerns. The things that are actually being said are pretty outrageous

Before you get all het up about the intertribal raids in the Pacific Northwest, you might study a few of the inter-colonial raids of the East coast, or the various wars we have come to call "the" French & Indian. Europeans of the time were not exactly great slouches in that regard either. Different times.
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