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Old April 22, 2016   #13
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: California
Posts: 124

My sympathies, Old Chef. You're not the only one. I have lost old plant lists from BC (Before Computer) times and also from AC times when the disc or drive crashed. I was paranoid before but now I am going to take pictures of everything too. There is a phone app that lets you take a picture of all your purchase receipts so you can keep your proof of purchase for warranties. Those heat-sensitive cash register receipts fade fast. This app would work for lists too. I'd keep a paper copy too, and also write some kind of code on each cell too.

To find the list you need now I recommend the following:
1. Relax and get some coffee or a snack.
2. Think back to the day you planted your cells and made your chart. What day of the week was it? What time was it? Where were you? Did you make your chart in a spiral notebook, or was it a separate sheet of paper? What did you do after you made the chart? Was your chart on just one side of the sheet? Maybe you turned it over and when you looked for it you only saw the blank side. Did you fold it up and put it in your pocket? Have you washed those pants since then? Maybe the list is in those pants, wrinkled and mostly readable. Did it fall on the floor of your garage or potting shed? Were you interrupted while you were working on the planting list? Have you reorganized or cleaned up your desk? It may be misfiled with some other papers you were working on them, maybe your bills?
3. After you have calmly refreshed your memory of that day and the time since then do a physical walkthrough of your activities that day, looking at the physical surroundings. I second what peebee said, YOU WILL FIND THE LIST. It's on the ground, or stuck to another sheet of paper, or under something.
4. Reorganize your work area and it will turn up, probably while you are looking for something else. Meanwhile plant out your toms with labels of the cell they came from so you can name them properly when you find your list.
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