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Old April 24, 2016   #70
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I agree with BettyC-5 that the soil is looking rather wet, especially since you used the Seasol. If you are watering and most of the water is draining out, then you are over watering these containers. I think that 1-2 Tablespoons of water every 3-4 days would be better maybe even longer between waterings. You are wanting the soil just damp not wet. Before you water, your pots should be very light when you pick them up and the top of the soil should be very dry to the touch. For a comparison you could fill a pot with your soil that you are using and set it to the side. Do not water this pot of soil. When you water pick up the pot with only soil and then lift the pot with your lateral. Only water your lateral when it is almost as light as your soil filled pot. Betty's suggestion of using gravel below each pot is a good one.

I would still encourage you to wait a bit before attempting to move the plants from their pots. I just would be afraid of damaging these new roots that you have worked so hard to try to grow. When there is some significant growth, you can be sure that there would be enough roots to support the plant while moving. I know that you are impatient to help these along but it will not be very long now. They will be starting to put on some good growth for you.

What good luck you had finding this man at the scrap yard. He could be a great help to you for finding the right soil for you to use. I'm sorry to hear his review on your growing medium from last year, but from the looks of your plants they did not have much of anything going for them. Hopefully we can get you on track and you will have a much better season this year.

I am not impressed with your garden center. We do need to find you some quality growing medium and some better fertilizers. Both of these will help with the flavor of your tomatoes. If you do not have a hydroponics store are there any other types of stores that carry garden supplies that you can get to easily? Did this gentleman tell you where you could find some good growing medium?

I would go right ahead and compost your old soil. I would also keep it in its own compost pile outdoors because I would not suggest that you use it for another 3 years. I do not know what pathogens attacked your plants this past season. Some diseases are soil born and take 3 years to die off completely. I don't think that this is what infected your plants, but it is better to be safe than sorry. I also recommend that you not compost your tomato vines at the end of the season. If you can I would burn them so as not to infect your new plants for another season. I NEVER compost my tomato vines.

Once your laterals have roots, you do not need to use a heat mat. In fact once they root, stop using it altogether but it does sound quite useful for the initial stages.

How is the little one in the water/Seasol doing?

Regards Patti
~ Patti ~
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