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Old April 27, 2007   #3
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Suze and I had this discussion the other day.

And I see she got her response in already.

Pyrethrin and Neem are oil-based, so I don't know how well they mix with water-based products like Daconil and Fish Emulsion. Also there is the fear that they will burn the plants if applied under sunny skies.

Suze suggested that I spray the plants thoroughly with Daconil in the morning, let it dry, and then 20-30 minutes or so later go back with a smaller amount of B.T. spray for the hornworms and fruitworms. Not to soak the leaves but just get some on all the leaves so when the caterpillars eat it, they stop.

If you are in a particularly humid climate, then foliar feed may be impractical. I know Earl recommends just pouring diluted fish emulsion directly at the soil line. I suppose if you wanted, you could do fish emulsion one day and daconil the next. This is only my first year trying Earl's method, but it really seems to make sense to me to distribute the nutrients in a cubic foot area around the roots which encourages them to reach out to get them. The even distribution throughout the area should result in an even supply. A side dressing with TomatoTone a few inches from the stem and then watering it in might be good as a boost during heavy fruitset.

Last edited by feldon30; April 27, 2007 at 08:37 AM.
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