Thread: Pussy Willows?
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Old April 29, 2007   #7
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: East Meadow, Long Island
Posts: 139

I've never grown them but I had a neighbor with several that were huge...nearly as tall as her house. We were about eigth feet from a kill and maybe forty feet above the water flow. Ada NEVER watered her lawn or plants and her PWs thrived.

All willows are super easy from cuttings, just cut off several pieces with a diameter less than the width of a lady's pinky and shove them down into a pail of moist soil. You won't need any rooting hormone. Place the container in shaded spot and in a few weeks you should have roots. At the end of a few months you can knock over the bucket and separate the rooted cuttings. I have a bucket of rooting squiggly willows outside that has about fifty pieces in it and it looks like they're all 100% rooted--I see them all leafing out and some are blooming!
When Hell freezes over the Devil will Winter Sow.
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