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Old June 1, 2016   #22
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Starting off with a disclaimer - never met a garlic that I did NOT like. That said, I prefer the large bulbs/large cloves because of the ease of peeling (arthritic hands). Every year I still grow a few "new to me" varieties but always Fish Lake, Northern Quebec, Leningrad, Red Russian.

My grow-outs of rounds and bulbils are out of control - I had them too crowded (can't waste any now) in too small a space (all that was available) and then the darn crows/ravens pulled the labels out just for fun. I did have a map, of course, but now I cannot really distinguish the rows. Guess we will just go with what grows best and biggest and call it Prince George Special.

Am so glad when Henry pops in with advice as I get the new varieties from him. Nice to have a local mentor who is familiar with our climate and growing conditions.
"He who has a library and a garden wants for nothing." -Cicero
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