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Old June 1, 2016   #23
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I can jump onboard of that disclaimer too.
Funny about the ravens, I had some panic this spring when I found my garlic mulch (grass clippings this time) was being torn up by some animal, which turned out to be my black beauties. I thought they may have been digging for the bit of bone meal but it turned out there were lots of worms and carpenters under the mulch so they weren't meaning to dig. They did actually dig some of the horseradish I planted, but thankfully there are a good dozen little shoots still coming up.
When we got new stock for the farm a couple years ago we also tried Leningrad and Northern Quebec. The Leningrad didn't do well either here or at the farm so they stopped growing it, and the four I grew out last year from my one bulb were not worth replanting.
Northern Quebec is amazing! Beautiful big plant and hefty cloves. Still being grown at the farm, but there weren't any left over last fall for me to poach.
These were seed garlics bought from Nova Scotia, so perhaps Henry's strain of Leningrad is a better one. The Kostyn's Red Russian bulbils I got in the swap must have been from his stock originally. It'll be my first Red Russian type, so excited.
I'm hoping Henry will pop in at some point and tell us about his own favourites and/or the exciting new ones he has on trial.
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