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Old July 6, 2016   #512
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Ohio
Posts: 156

Originally Posted by Tormato View Post
A patio/small scale gardener likely doesn't need to participate in the "categories" part of the swap. .....
IDK, I plant with the patio/small scale person in mind. I sell/give away a lot of seedlings. Often just 1-4 at a time. I know at least three people I gave plants to are growing in pots. But I just plan to go crazy with the dwarf category.

Originally Posted by Father'sDaughter View Post
The bottom line is that you'll typically get more back than you sent!
Originally Posted by BigVanVader View Post
Yeah one swap will normally get you more than you could plant for several years.
Very true. I was expecting ~40 back, got over 200!

Originally Posted by M.SeanF. View Post
I was wondering if you've ever done a Potato Leaf category? I know that would really overlap most of the other categories, but I'm becoming very fond of my PL girls this year and want to try more...
I will second a potato leaf category.
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