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Old July 14, 2016   #30
Join Date: Jan 2015
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Originally Posted by BigVanVader View Post
Bill they have rootstock that is supposedly nearly immune to grey/black mold.
Are you talking about the Big Beef F1 being good against the grey/black mold?

Originally Posted by Cole_Robbie View Post
Thank you for the offer, Starlight. I'm still in overwhelmed mode regarding seeds, though.
Anytime. Me too! So many lovely seeds to try and not enough hours in the day, or decent temps to try everything.

Originally Posted by StrongPlant View Post
I can't believe it but even here across the ocean the situation is the same...
Since I didn't use any pesticides stinkbugs have wrecked havoc on my tomatoes.They don't seem to have any natural enemies at all,and even though I'm removing and killing them by hand,I see more every day.I did a small test with a dishwasher detergent,it seems to kill them within 60 seconds,but the concetration needs to be pretty high,although I don't know what's the minimum to be effective.I'm guessing it's the enzymes in detergent that kill them.
I feel for you. I had them bad last year. Got so tired of them all over the plants I grabbed the dishsoap bottle and used it full strength, let sit for ten minutes than washed leaves off real good. It helped but never got rid of them totally.

I have an abundance of wasps this year and maybe they are keeping population down. I have a huge canna container up in my tomato plants and the wasps are evening building nests on the back of the canna leaves which I have never seen before happen.

What I am surprised is that the bleach spray doesn't seem to affect them. You would think it would since it seems to stop or kill most things.

I found these links:

The one thing I haven't tried is that kaolin clay. From of WP Surround. Has anybody tried it? Is it organic? Wonder how it works?
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