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Old July 31, 2016   #1418
Zone9b's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Central Florida
Posts: 620


Thanks for the ketchup recipe. Will have to try that one also. And i still have to find time to get a smoker and smoke tomayoes and cheese... lol. And work full time and take care of family and so on and so on.. lol.

Hey do you have any notes or remember how productive Wes has been for you?

I'm asking because the one I'm growing here had about 15 tomatoes then quit setting fruit. Most of my plants here did that due to low sunlight. But after i pruned and topped them and left only the mature yellow blossoms but got rid off all suckers and green blossoms it set 24 new tomatoes so far which are growing.pretty quickly now. The 15 previous tomatoes are mostly all mature green ready to break color any day. I'm wondering if this is an excessive amout of tomatoes for a plant like Wes that has such large fruit. Thinking of trying this pruning suckers and topping thing at home when my plants slow down on setting fruit and timing it for when there are a lot of mature yellow blossoms. In the past I mostly just pruned for air flow.

Most of my plants here set a whole new round of tomatoes when i topped and pruned the suckers and they had petered out and were not setting new ones for a while prior to doing that. Things that make you go hmmmm.


I'd very much like to know how topping and pruning suckers, etc late in the season works here in Florida.
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