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Old August 9, 2016   #61
Join Date: Jan 2015
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Originally Posted by b54red View Post
You should try my sink bug killer mix. I have had no problem with them now for two years even though they showed up early this year I wiped them out. Permethrin is the only poison I use on them and it is quite mild but the combination of 2 TBS of Dawn and 2/3 cup of food grade DE makes the mix long lasting which is the only way to get rid of them without resorting to strong poisons. I am even adding my copper fungicide to the mix in order to kill to birds with one stone and it seems to be working just as well as when applied alone. I only had to spray for stink bugs and leaf footed bugs twice way back in the early summer but the mix is the most effective thing I have found to fight back spider mites so I have used it three times for them. I haven't seen a stink bug in months and I'm not afraid to eat my tomatoes because of the mild toxicity of the spray.

I think I may give it a try. I know as soon as the fall crop gets big enough the stink bugs will be all over the place.

For the Permethrin, is there a name brand to buy and how much. Also I bought a bottle of copper spray last year. It been kept under kitchen cupboard with other chems. Will it still be good to use and how much of it.

My sprayer is tiny. Just a 1 liter, but works good for me. I do have a bunch of one gallon milk jugs that I can use to mix formulas in and then pour into sprayer.
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