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Old August 13, 2016   #1562
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Originally Posted by Barb_FL View Post
Kay - What dwarfs are you growing this fall?

Audrey - Also never had luck with NBD after attempting ??x # of seasons. Am trying again and I have seeds from different sources this time....

Ginny - Your tomatoes are gorgeous. Good to know that the container size isn't a factor so it must be other environmental conditions.

Ella / Ginny - It may be hot by you; it may even be hotter than Florida, but keep in mind we have 5 months of it!!!! < 65 days left before good weather.

Marsha - Are you starting later this year?

Larry - when do you start broccoli?
Barb, when we purchase our first house, I was so happy and it looked to me that I grasped all that needs to be about house owning responsibilities and advantages. Good and bad...
First snow shoveling was on me. My son was at school, my DH at work. I came home before they did. I had to do it because otherwise people would walk all over it and it would be much harder to shovel.
That was the first time I realized "I am a homeowner". I am about 137 pounds. I do not like snow. My back hurts after shoveling it. Sometimes it is only 6 inches and sometimes more than 2 feet in two days period. So we have to go out and clean few times or it would become too heavy. Most of the time snow is wet.
I do not like winter. Unless it is in Florida.
Sorry, I should stop whining.
btw 1 cubic foot of snow on average weight between 2.5 pounds and 6.2 pounds, depending on how wet it is. If rain falls on top of the snow it becomes much heavier immediately. 1 cubic foot of water weighs 62 pounds give or take.

God comes along and says, "I think I'm going to create THE tomato!”
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