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Old September 17, 2016   #38
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I am having the same problems the critters are getting far more than me. I think it may be a combination of squirrels and birds. The smaller holes made by birds and the chewed up ones done by squirrels. I have my rat station baited and in my bed that is seeing the most damage and I haven't seen any dead rats so I assume it is squirrels because every time I set the bait station out if there are rats they come running and then end up dead all over the garden.

I used to try trapping but after the first week or so the rats would get wise to the traps and the squirrels are far too cunning around here to fall for any kind of trap. They need a pellet to get their attention. Even my yard full of rodent hating dogs can't seem to keep them away. I think the dogs are just not as smart as the squirrels. The problem has been made much worse by the long dry spell we have been in that causes too many critters to seek moisture from my tomatoes and even my bell peppers.

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