Thread: bleach spray
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Old September 22, 2016   #135
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Ron I can't tell for sure what kind of diseases you are dealing with or whether you might also have other issues. I am not an expert at growing indoors and when I tried I seemed to have more problems than I do with my outdoor plants once they got large enough to start making fruit. The spindly nature of your plants was typical for me when growing in limited light indoors and no amount of fertilizer seemed to correct it for me. Another problem I had with indoor growing was aphids which would suck on the leaves and multiply far faster than outdoors where natural predators will slow them down some.

Some of the leaves in the pictures you show look a lot like some on my plants after I have sprayed them with the bleach spray. However some of them look like either insect damage or a chemical burn in spots. Did you find this look on the plants new growth or only on the older leaves? If it is on the older lower leaves then it isn't from the bleach mixture being too strong but even if it isn't too strong if it puddles too much on a leaf it can damage it and also damage the edge of the leaf where it pools and drips. Look carefully on the undersides of leaves and see if you see any insects.

I sprayed all of my plants two days ago and have quite a bit of damaged leaves from gray mold that are now shriveled up and some from other diseases in spots. The biggest problem frequently with growing a lot of black tomato varieties is the persistent recurrence of gray mold. The bleach spray is great at stopping it if applied early enough and the copper spray slows its return.

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