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Old September 25, 2016   #8
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I have a comment to make about the "natural" bacon.
I bought a product made from naturally raised pigs ("free from" = no antibiotics etc) and 'naturally smoked' - I didn't read all the label so I don't know the details or what was actually added. It was for a pizza topping for my friend's birthday party - she's an organic farmer and does appreciate organic or natural products especially.

Anyway my comment is just... man, did I get burned!
The fat from this bacon was firing off like nothing else. I got a couple of bad burns on my wrist and even my eyelid got it! TG for reflexes I obviously blinked as the hot fat came straight for my eye. I can still feel the raised burn there two weeks later and the burnt skin just came off my wrist today.

All I can say is that the moisture content of the bacon was obviously higher than any other bacon I have used. It was a real hazard. Handle with care!
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