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Old November 3, 2016   #12
My Foot Smells
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Originally Posted by schill93 View Post
I live in the Las Vegas desert where temperatures allow you to cook your vegetables while they grow, similar to Phoenix, Az.. I will be building raised beds for the 2017 season and wondered about height. Our soil here is clay and hard as rock with very poor drainage. It is also very alkaline.

Since moving here I have noted that planting anything in 15 gallon containers that are 16" tall did better than those in my 11" tall Earthbox"s with similar amount of mix. Which leads me to believe that the same would apply to raised beds.

I know many of you have rich soil and plant roots will benefit from extending down into it. In my case, not so much. Common wisdom seems to dictate that 12" should be adequate. However, I question that wisdom here.

I realize that anyone not living in such conditions may not be able to relate to my circumstances. But who knows. Thought I should ask in case anyone has had experience with it.
it really depends on what you are growing, but for tomatoes I would suggest no less than 18", and 24" to be even better. My raised beds are 21"-22" and do fine for tomatoes, but have lower ones (14, 11.5, 16) that I usually plant other things.

I also think that placement plays an important, and maybe bigger, role. the beds I have that get full morning sun, but protected from afternoon sun, do the best. the ones that get "full sun" do good until the heat wrecks 'em.

I love KD's setup, and wise to test material before the big "dump." Wish I would have done that.

Remember also that raised beds give you the luxury of working at a reasonable height for weeding, etc.... so build it right and reduce the bending over bidness. Also, I used 4x6 or 4x7 posts, which makes for a nice width to set tools and drink on while playing in the beds, also can sit on edge.

lots of things to consider, have a good time.
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