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Old December 6, 2016   #220
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Santa Maria California
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Default Digging up bones

Originally Posted by Cole_Robbie View Post
I read about that Neanderthal cave. There are signs that some sort of religion was being practiced, and there are also indications that the Neanderthals used fire to heat stalagtites and then tools to break them off when they were brittle from the heat. Everything in the cave indicates that the Neanderthals were capable of much more mental complexity than we've given them credit for.
Yes Cole, the paintings were made in series so by torchlite that they used because the evidence of it is still there, the drawings give the effect that the horses are moving! Pretty smart and and drawings aren't crude but quite artistic and real looking. Although they found bear bones and other animal bones there was no human bones! The people used the caves for ceremonial purposes and not to live in. There's also drawing on stalactite of a woman's lower body and pelvic region. Sort of Venus de milo type art. Jimbo.
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