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Old December 9, 2016   #31
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Southeastern Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,069

I'm not one of those members who have grown hundreds or thousands of varieties, nor do I have a large garden. Most heirlooms and funky OP plants are new to me, as growing up, our garden had what (I now realize were) plants from saved seed from some kind of generic commercial red slicer tomatoes, and I only really have in-ground space for about 10 plants.

So I basically hang back and try "OP Hall of Fame" type varieties that have already been on many people's favorites list for many years. I'll leave the trialing of newer varieties to others, except for maybe one plant here or there if I get really intrigued by something, and if it variety survives for a few years and it turns out it wasn't a fad that disappears, I'll put it on a future growlist. I have to say, I am benefiting greatly from the past experiences of the many veteran tomatoheads on here.
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