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Old December 25, 2016   #11
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Originally Posted by oakley View Post
And i thank you Lyn. Your post last year in the MarketForum kicked in my thinking for home growing. Following your lead and experience.
At a dinner party, after dinner and a light dessert, i brought out my micros and it was a festive micro tasting. Not one could imagine the intensity of flavor in such a small plant.
All the slow growers were up and fat plantings at that point. An eye-opener for all.
Hence my new trays i started today...

Suppliers are easier found now. I did order this morning from MVseeds. Johnny's can seem expensive but if ordering other things their spicy mix has been so good and i find
in their sale listings always a micro mix to add to an order.
SeedsNow has 99cent trial packets but i would go to the next larger size still ok$.
Still pennies over time for a fresh cut salad. Or if one does not eat greens that often,
a small tray of broccoli sprouts is a compacted boost of greens.
I agree - the taste of microgreens is amazing - one taste is usually all it takes to convince someone that they're good.

I always place my big orders for peas and sunflowers from Johnnys. I buy 100 lbs at a time and the price for peas works out to about $1.45/lb. Plus free shipping if the order is over $200. MVseeds is good for smaller orders, plus they offer free shipping if the order is over $35. Which mine always are.

Something I tell new customers about broccoli greens is that 1lb of broccoli head = the nutritional value of 1 ounce of broccoli microgreens. I found that tidbit on the internet somewhere.

There was a study done in 2012 at the University of Maryland (I think) that showed that microgreens have 4 - 40 times the nutrition of the full grown plant. Good selling point for the health conscious.

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