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Old December 30, 2016   #70
murihikukid's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Invercargill New Zealand
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Hi...More to my powdery mildew ....I bought several packs of 6..IE 6 plants in tiny pots joined together ..They were on special ($1 to $1.50 each) ....I couldn't buy pots as the earthquake had stopped the trucks bringing them down here so I used three polystyrene boxes after drilling drain holes and filling with potting mix..I got 12 plants in each box and they were looking not too bad ..I had to stake them with small stakes cause they were fairly weak in the stems...but overall they were looking as a good backup in case of anything happening ......All these or most of them have powdery mildew ...I have so far only found one potted plant infected and the mildew is under the leaf...

Later I will make up a baking soda mix and take each box out of the greenhouse and spray it ...then take it back in again...I will just have to continually check all my plants as powdery mildew may not be the only thing going on......

I have a new lot of plantlings growing inside underlights and they have to be protected as I am relying on these for seeds for next season If I live that long...I do not know what happened to the 30 odd plants I had set as a figure to grow...Its now more like 100....Never mind I am sure I will find homes for them...
Sadly my Stupice are not propagating and the ones that did died....I believe last years seeds and Stupice was one of these were not only diseased but some were not true to label and resulted in last season being horrible ... Thanks Ron..
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