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Old January 6, 2017   #6
rhines81's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Zone 5A, Poconos
Posts: 959

You did not mention how handy you are or what sort of space you might have for this temporary outdoor set-up. I doubt it would be too portable, but it could be disassembled/reassembled each year.
For 100 plants, you could definitely use about 50 linear feet of preferably south-facing shelving. You could go with wider 18" shelving and double up and get away with 25 feet perhaps. One shelf at 2ft high and another at 4ft high and you are down to about 12 feet of south-facing wall.

3 steps:

1) Put 3 standard pallets (48"x40") on solid level ground, fasten them together side-by-side so you have a 40"x12ft platform and cover with 1/2" plywood.

2) Build a 6-8ft high 2x4 stud frame around it and incorporate (2) 12 foot long x 18" wide shelves on the south wall at 2ft and 4 ft high.

3) Wrap the entire thing with thick poly-film using staples, do the ceiling last to make it more drip proof. Make sure your open seam is on the back of the structure so you can untie it and walk in.

Your structure is built, you have the shelving you need and 12ftx22" of open space to allow watering and care. It will be heavy-duty enough not to tip over, but strong winds could shred the poly.
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