Thread: Smoked Brisket
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Old February 14, 2017   #4
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Santa Maria California
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Originally Posted by Down_South View Post
It's not easy to make, no Siree. I'll and tell you what I do to make it at least good.

Better Smoked Brisket:

1. Buy a good grade of beef. Prime if you can or at least high end choice.
2. Do the bend test on the brisket. Fold it half and see if it gives. If it bends easily that's good. It means the fat content is higher. Also inspect for streaks of fat...that's good.
3. Buy a smaller brisket like 9 to 12 pounds.
4. Open the package and trim only big, hard layers of fat. Leave most of the fat on the brisket. Trim sides if they look and feel mealy.
5. Dry the brisket with cotton towels. Completely dry it off, wrap in towels and place in frig for min. of 2 hours overnight is best.
6. Take brisket out of frig, and let it completely come to room temp. Trying to smoke cold meat is a time and wood waster.
7. Bring smoker up to 250-275.
8. Once the smoker is up to heat, salt the brisket. Pat the salt down on the meat lightly (no rubbing). The reason you salt right before you place brisket in smoker is to avoid the salt drawing out moisture from the meat. A wet brisket produces a barrier to the smoke and hinders the making of good bark.
9. Then sprinkle with a medium coarse ground black pepper or seasonings of your liking.
10. Immediately after seasoning, place the brisket in the smoker fat side down. The fat helps protect the meat from burning and drying out. In my opinion fat side up does not "baste" anything but the bottom of my smoker.
11. Smoke to internal temp. of 160 (let science work for you not touchy feely), then wrap in butcher or parchment paper. The butcher paper allows smoke to penetrate but allows the meat to breath. Wrapping in foil just turns the brisket into roast beef. Smoke until internal reaches 203.
12. Remove brisket from paper, place back in smoker for another few minutes to let the bark firm up some.
13. Wrap brisket in towels and place in cooler for 1 hour or so.
14. Remove point from flat with an angel cut down through the meat.
15. Cut meat 1/4 slices against or at a slight angel across the grain.
16. sauce for me.
What time did you say you wanted us over there?..Jimbo
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